Gentrin® Infusão Uterina

Ready-to-use product

  • Bovinos


Each 100 mL contains:
Gentamicin base (as sulfate)..... 300.00 mg
Bromhexine hydrochloride .............. 150.00 mg
Benzalkonium chloride ............... 100.00 mg
Vehicle q. s. p..................................... 100.00 mL


Gentrin® Infusão Uterina  is indicated in the treatment of metrites and endometrites that affect cattle, caused by: Staphylococcus spp, Streptococcus spp, Corynebacterium pyogenes, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas spp, Klebsiella spp, Shigella spp, Salmonella spp, Proteus spp.

Method of Use and dosage:

Gentrin® Infusão Uterina  is a ready-to-use product and must be administered directly into the uterus, with the aid of an artificial insemination pipette, obeying the dosages below:


Cattle (cows): 50 to 100 mL per infusion. If necessary, repeat the infusion for 2 to 3 days or at the discretion of the veterinarian. Since aminoglycosides are inactivated in the presence of organic matter, it is essential to perform intrauterine washings with abundant physiological saline before administering gentamicin.

The effectiveness of antimicrobials depends on the sensitivity of microorganisms to the active ingredients that make up the product and proper compliance with the recommendations of the veterinarian who prescribed the drug, such as dose, treatment time and number of applications.

Last update: 10-26-2023


  • Plastic flask with 100 mL.