
Efficient treatment for inflammatory processes.

  • Cães


Prediderm Tablets 5 mg

Each 200 mg tablet contains:

Prednisolone .......... 5.00 mg

Excipient q.s. .......... 200.00 mg

Prediderm Tablets 20 mg

Each 200 mg tablet contains:

Prednisolone 20,00 mg

Excipient q.s. 200.00 mg


Prediderm Tablets is Prednisolone, a potent anti-inflammatory steroid. Prednisolone is a glucocorticoid that presents high anti-inflammatory potency (3 to 5 times more potent than cortisol) and lower mineralocorticoid than cortisol), which results in lower sodium and water retention in the body of the animal, mitigating the risk of side effects, such as edema and hypertension, common in steroid therapies.

Prediderm Tablets is indicated for inflammatory pathologies, or that benefit from the metabolic action of Prednisolone.


Last update: 10-30-2023


  • Prediderm 5 mg
    Cartridge: 1 blister with 10 tablets. Display: 15 blisters with 10 tablets.

  • Prediderm 20 mg
    Cartridge: 1 blister with 10 tablets. Display: 15 blisters with 10 tablets.